Mathmr. Regan's Educational Website
Check out the resources available to service members and their families, veterans, DOD civilians and the general public. Try FAQs for answers to popular topics or submit a question. Billy Reagan K8 Educational Center. 4842 Anderson Road Houston, TX 713-556-9575 fax: 713-556-9576 Accessibility. I use cookies to ensure that you get the best experience possible on my website. This banner is in compliance with the EU GDPR and Cookie Law.
Welcome to Student Handouts |

Free printable worksheets, powerpoints, outlines, and more, for teachers and parents in kindergarten through high school. Everything from World History, to Geography, to handwriting practice printables. Billy Reagan K8 Educational Center Designed with Success in Mind 4842 Anderson Road Houston, TX 713-556-9575 fax: 713-556-9576 Accessibility.
Free Educational Materials for K-12 Teachers and Students of All Subjects |

Check out some of our latest releases: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels - This ebook contains the complete text. It is 39 pages in length and includes footnotes. Solidarity Fist Coloring Page - The solidarity fist has been used by union organizers, socialists, and anarchists, at least as far back as the Revolutions of 1848. This coloring sheet includes the term in both English and Spanish. The Dog That Told Stories Poem Worksheets - For grades one through two. COVID-19 Coronavirus Teaching Tools -This page is where we're placing our pandemic-specific teaching tools and resource links. Kitty's Forgiveness Short Story Workbook - Free to print (PDF file). Four pages in length. The Twelve Little Princesses Workbook - Free to print (PDF file). Six pages in length. Grades two through five. A Long Time Ago - Free printable short story with worksheets for kids (PDF files). A Morning Ride Poem Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files). Grades two through five. The Artless Anglers Poem Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files). Grades 2 through 5. The Little Lone Mermaid Workbook - Free to print (PDF file), seven pages in length with questions and activities, for grades two to four. Soong Family Tree Worksheet - For World History classes studying the Kuomintang and the nationalist revolution in China. Free to print (PDF file). Toby's Dinner Poem Worksheet - Free to print (PDF file). For kindergarten and first grade. |
Math Mr. Regan's Educational Website Examples
Click for some of our most popular web pages: Attendance Forms Everything from printable student sign-in sheets to a DIY attendance book. Substitute Teaching Kit Absent for the day? Covering for an absent teacher? We have everything you need to have a great day with plenty of effective learning. High School World History PowerPoints We have lots of PowerPoint presentations, all free, on most topics studied in high school World History classes. |
We are dedicated to providing quality, curated, unique educational materials for little or no cost as part of our mission to democratize education in the United States and around the world. We firmly believe that, given the tools, every student can achieve academic success and reach her or his full potential. Created by Experienced Educators forUse by K-12 Classroom Teachers and Homeschooling Parents |
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WelcomeNEW for 2018 - 2019 School Year..... Ronald Reagan Elementary will be participating in the DSUSD Connect Initiative *see documents page to download more information