Content Marketing 101

Content marketing is a targeted marketing strategy that involves creating insightful, engaging and interesting written content with the aim of creating customer loyalty and increasing opportunities for future business. Content Marketing 101: A Free Guide for Beginners or Pros Learn How to Create an Endless Supply of Leads to Your Website EVERY Month! Rating: 4.2 out of 5 4.2 (483 ratings). Content marketing can cost anywhere between $500-$20,000 a month and it really depends on the strategy, amount of content and marketing objectives. At Tyton Media, we have a $7,000/mo content marketing package that includes everything from research to execution.
Content Marketing 101: A Primer Course to Earn Trust, Build Your Brand, and Generate Leads
Not currently scheduled.
Have you ever watched a YouTube video, listened to a podcast, downloaded a checklist or e-book, or read a blog post? If so, you are a consumer of content. Content marketing - creating and distributing content that resonates with a target audience - is an important part of marketing today. It is what attracts customers to your organization and then takes them on the 'buyer's journey' on their way to becoming regular, long-term customers. In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of content marketing for social media, explain the difference between content creation and content curation, explore the different types of content and tools to create it, and learn how to promote your content through social media. The workshop will include activities to practice what you learn!

Topics Covered
Content Marketing 101 Pdf

- The importance of content marketing for social media
- Content creation vs. content curation
- Generating content ideas
- Promoting your content
- Finding curated content
- Tools for creating, curating, and managing content marketing
- The various types of content you can create
Content Marketing 101
This workshop is facilitated by Dr. Mary Martin, FHSU Professor of Marketing