How To Win At Local Seo

SEO can be a daunting thing to tackle since it’s always changing. Google constantly updates its requirements and algorithms to rank high on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). As an auto dealership, you might not be sure where to begin or how to improve your online presence.

Local SEO can be a great tool, specifically for smaller dealerships, to set yourself apart from the competition. If you’re competing with huge auto dealers across the country to be seen by an online audience, you probably won’t be noticed since you don’t have a huge inventory and budget. However, you might be able to get a competitive advantage in your local area. Below, you’ll find some different ways to make your dealership stand out among the local competition.

Online Reviews
You should seek, track, and manage your reviews online. Be sure to respond to the reviews you get even if they’re negative. It shows that you care about your customers’ opinions and experiences. Be respectful, and offer apologies for things that your dealership could improve on. Reviews might not seem like a big deal, but Moz states that over 80% of consumers trust online reviews. Online reviews are especially important for auto dealerships since most people shop for vehicles online first. If you have no reviews or only negative reviews online, car shoppers might not even bother to explore your inventory online or stop by your dealership. Because people trust reviews, Google takes them into account for rankings on SERPs. Getting people to review your dealership isn’t very difficult for the rewards it reaps. Most people are happy to leave a review if you simply ask.

How To Win At Local Car Shows

If you’re working on building your local SEO, the first step is getting set up on Google My Business. This makes it possible for you to show up in Google’s specialized local search results. Here's 12 Local SEO Tips To Help You Grow Your Business (Updated for 2021) - See our updated list for 2021 of local SEO tips to help your business get found faster in Google Maps and grow your business. These local SEO tips will help your local business get higher rankings in Google local / Google Maps search results and drive more customers to your business. Local SEO shares some of these characteristics. The competition in local search is steep, and in many cases you are fighting over a small number of spaces in the local pack. In order to be a star performer in local SEO, you need to succeed in three key areas: proximity, prominence, and relevance. Some SEOs see local search success as a long game, in which they have to first set up an online presence that gives a local business the best chance to rank, and then go on to work on the things that really make a competitive difference: the link building, the listing tests, the on-site SEO, the review generation.

Google My Business
If you don’t have a Google My Business account, you should get one. Even if you have an account, there are some ways to improve the positioning of your dealership. Enter as much valuable information as you can. You will have a higher chance of being seen by online car shoppers and answering their questions. Make sure to verify the location of your new or used car dealership. No one likes to drive around searching for a business. Google will also penalize your ranking if your location isn’t the same everywhere it’s listed. Add some engaging pictures to capture the attention of people searching for a new vehicle. Lastly, get ratings and reviews. If you ask and people deliver, interact with them. Thank them for their kind or constructive words.

Titles and Meta Tags
These tools should be used wisely. They often have limits to the number of words or characters allowed. You should clearly and concisely describe your dealership, what it offers, and where it’s located. To be the most effective for smaller dealerships, include location words (sometimes called geo-targeting) and other keywords. You can leave out prepositions such as “in” and “the” that are unimportant. Titles and meta-tags should contain the name of your city and service, name of your dealership, and the most searched words such as “trusted” or “best.” Whatever you decide to use, track the rankings, and change keywords as you see fit.

Citations and Directories
Local directories and citations can give your dealership the edge over competition. Websites like Yelp, CitySearch, Foursquare, Angie’s List, and Merchant Circle are great places to post your dealership’s information. You should also try to find some directories specifically relevant to auto dealerships or the auto industry. When you have a presence on more trustworthy directories, your online presence increases. These free listings can give customers information about your business, services, vehicles, locations, and more. Make sure that your name, address, and phone (NAP) is consistent across all directories because otherwise Google might lower your ranking. Take advantage of this free tool to get the word out about your dealership.

Another thing that you can do is seek high quality, local links. Network with your local community to find potential partnerships with other companies. You might also find online magazines or other opportunities to sponsor content or events online.

How To Win At Local Seo Services

Smaller auto dealerships rely even more heavily on local businesses than larger dealerships, so they should focus more on local SEO. Try some of these techniques to improve your online presence. It’s hard to attract new customers and keep local customers without the help of the Internet. Showcase your best vehicles, and show up first on locals’ search engines with these tips.

Are you looking to start an SEO campaign at a price that works for you?

With SEO leads converting at an average of 14.6% – compared to the 1.7% conversion rate of traditional outbound marketing, you’re making the smart choice.

But with so many agencies and articles recommending you ‘spend, spend, spend’, what do you do if your budget is tight?

There is an answer.

You don’t need the deepest pockets to succeed online and appear at the top of Google. You just need the most creative approach and an understanding of where your money will be best invested.


So, where should your money go if you’re looking to spend creatively?

The 3 pillars of a successful SEO campaign:

  • On-site optimisation
  • Content creation
  • Link building

Why do I need to invest in the 3 pillars of SEO?

With over 200 ranking signals influencing Google’s algorithm, it can feel overwhelming knowing where to invest your time and energy.


To make your SEO campaign as simple as possible, you should focus on the following 3 areas.

Doing so means spending money on the aspects of SEO that move the needle and move you towards the #1 spot on Google.

Even better, by focusing on these 3 proven aspects of SEO you reduce wasted marketing spend, and scale up your business within your means.

That means more leads coming in, less money going out, and a future you can look forward to.

The 3 pillars of SEO you need to invest in are…

On-site optimisation

On-site optimisation ensures that major search engines like Google can access and index the pages of your site; as well as creating a smooth and user-friendly site for visitors.

How To Win At Local Seoul

Content creation

Creating new content for your site on a regular basis helps to increase your site’s authority and relevance. It also helps to provide more keyword rich content for major search engines like Google to index.

Link building

Building a portfolio of links to quality, relevant and well-known sites will be a major influence on your search engine rankings. Not only do backlinks improve your site’s authority and increase your rankings, but these links create new streams of traffic and expose your business to a wider audience.

Are you ready to win at SEO for (almost) no money?

When developed over time, these 3 pillars of your SEO campaign will improve your website’s authority, which will improve your website’s rankings, which will lead to more site traffic, which will lead to more leads, which will lead to move conversions.

You don’t need to break the bank to be successful, you just need to master the basics.

Are you ready to grow your business without overspending? Our ‘SEO Essentials’ Campaign is ideal for you. Chat with our SEO experts today to find out how we can help you get more work while saving more money.