Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2

  1. Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 Players
  2. Fancy Pants Adventures World 2
  3. Brad Borne's The Fancy Pants Adventures World 2
  4. Fancy Pants Adventure World 2 Full Walkthrough
  5. Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 Unblocked
Brad borne

Latest news! The Fancy Pants Adventures has just been released on XBLA and PSN! This is an all new adventure, with 4 player, online and local, cooperative and competitive, multiplayer! It also includes World 1 and 2 as unlockables, now playable in multiplayer and with all the latest features.

Fancy Pants returns with a fresh adventure! Select your fanciest pants and get ready for World 2! The Fancy Pants Adventure World 2 Description Twice the size of the original The Fancy Pants Adventure, in this sequel you'll encounter big black spiders, snails and all the while exploring the Fancy Pants universe.

WOW, I'm honored, thanks Newgrounds!!! Tom, that dance was epic win and left me in awe.

Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 Players

Fancy Pants Adventures World 2

1.5 Update! Lots of little things, 2 new transitional levels, some more backgrounds, tweaked code... full list on my site here:

Official Snailshell Golf Video Guide online! If you're having any problems getting pants colors, check out the video guide:

Just a small update, counter 0s work now, fixed the musics that wouldn't mute.


Yeah, it's been awhile, but here it is. Not exactly a sequel, but updated enough that it doesn't feel much like the first world anymore. And yes, the size is pretty massive for a Flash game, but it's got a good amount of music, loads of vector art, and 6 cameo levels from awesome Newgrounds artists:

The Swain, Luis, Adam Phillips, TommyLM, AfroNinja, and NegativeOne

Left and Right Arrows: move

Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2

Up Arrow: enter door

Down Arrow: duck/slide/roll

S: Jump

Brad Borne's The Fancy Pants Adventures World 2

FancyFancy pants adventures: world 2 players

Space: pause, M: toggle music, B: toggle scrolling background

Fancy Pants Adventure World 2 Full Walkthrough

If you need help finding the trophies and pants colors, I'll be publishing a faqs online soon:

Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 Unblocked

Play World 1: