Donationsteach To Be Happy

Elizabeth Dunn (UBC) and her colleagues demonstrated that giving money to others makes us more happy overall than using that money for ourselves. As an English Teaching in the Global Classroom major, I am happy to invite you to join me on yet another very exciting journey! May 2017, I will fly all the way to Thailand with a mission team from Oral Roberts University to teach English and lead Bible studies with local Thai people. I will also spend a week working with Friendship Christian.

Donationsteach To Be Happy Birthday

DonationsteachDonationsteach to be happy birthday wishes

Donationsteach To Be Happy Hour


Donationsteach To Be Happy Meme

You walked with me.
You walked with me as I struggled to save up for a mission to Szigetszentmiklos, Hungary and you watched as God provided.
You walked with me when God miraculously provided a way for me to go to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma just last year.
You walked with me as I struggled through my first year of college with messages of support, your gift cards (I've never been so excited to buy groceries!), and loving phone calls.
You have walked with me from the very beginning!
As an English Teaching in the Global Classroom major, I am happy to invite you to join me on yet another very exciting journey! May 2017, I will fly all the way to Thailand with a mission team from Oral Roberts University to teach English and lead Bible studies with local Thai people. I will also spend a week working with Friendship Christian Camp in yet another attempt to share the love of Christ with the young people of Thailand!
To make this happen, I will need to reach my goal of $1800 by February 15th, 2017. By April 13th I will need the remaining $1550, all of which will cover my housing, food, flight, and materials for the entire month that I'll be in Thailand.
I am beyond excited to share this opportunity with you as I take on yet another journey that seems completely impossible! Your prayers, donations, and support will mean more to me than I can ever express. Please consider sowing into a trip that will not only impact the people of Thailand, but will also impact the thousands of students I will be teaching in the future!!
Will you walk with me to Thailand? :)