
A two-player version of the arcade classic! Upgrade your weapons, speed and movement as you battle it out.

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  • Play Asteroids Duel free! A two-player version of the arcade classic! Upgrade your weapons, speed and movement as you battle it out.
  • RSS Feed Fri, 01 Jan 2021 05:29:18 GMT 2021.
  • Asteroids The classic Asteroids. You must navigate your spaceship around the moving asteroids, but be careful every time you destroy one it beomces smaller asteroids.
Asteroids game atari


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Plays: 5,928| Ratings: 1| Avg Rating: 5.7| Published on 8/9/2006
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Game Info



Game platform



Asteroids is a simple game in which you control a ship and your objective is to shoot asteroids into smaller pieces until they disappear.

What is the game's genre?


Does it follow the rules for the genre?

Yes, it is one of the earliest games in the genre.

Does it have any unique characteristics relative to other games in the genre?

Asteroids Game Asteroid

No, it is fairly simple.

Describe the game interface. What controls are available to the user, and what aspects of the game do they control?

The active keys are the spacebar - for shooting - and the arrow keys - for thrusters.

What is the goal of the game?

To destroy all asteroids and alien spacecraft.

What are the major challenges of the game?

Avoiding asteroids and gunfire from alien ships

What is the complexity of the rule set?

Simple, the only elements in the game are your spaceship, the asteroids, and sometimes the alien ship. The higher levels gain complexity in that there are more asteroids and they move faster.


What kind of competition exists?

At random points throughout the game an alien spacecraft appears and tries to shoot you down. You have to destroy it before it destroys you.

Review by Jeff Carpenter

Is the game fun? Rate on a scale of 1 (not fun) to 5 (very fun).

Is the game difficult to learn? Rate on a scale of 1 (easy) to 5 (difficult).


Rate the visual quality of the game between 1 (poor) to 5 (very good).

1/5 (by todays standards. the game was released in 1979)


How engaging is the game? Rate on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely).

Asteroids Game Atari


What is your overall recommendation for the game? Rate on a scale of 1 (Do not recommend) to 5 (strongly recommend).


Review by Thomas Williams

Is the game fun? Rate on a scale of 1 (not fun) to 5 (very fun).

Is the game difficult to learn? Rate on a scale of 1 (easy) to 5 (difficult).


Rate the visual quality of the game between 1 (poor) to 5 (very good).


How engaging is the game? Rate on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely).


What is your overall recommendation for the game? Rate on a scale of 1 (Do not recommend) to 5 (strongly recommend).

4/5 (It's a classic. If you've never played it, you should at least try it once or twice)